Tanning Information

Tanning is the process of darkening your skin color by exposing it to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This can be done naturally by exposing your skin to the sun or artificially by using tanning beds or spray tans.

The duration of a tan depends on various factors, such as your skin type, the intensity of the tanning session, and the products you use. A tan can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Tanning can provide a natural-looking glow to your skin, which can boost your self-confidence and make you feel better about yourself. Additionally, exposure to UV radiation can stimulate the production of vitamin D in your skin, which is important for maintaining strong bones.

The frequency of tanning depends on your skin type and how quickly your skin darkens. It is recommended that you wait at least 24-48 hours between tanning sessions to give your skin time to recover.

If you are tanning in a tanning bed, you should wear minimal clothing to ensure that your skin is exposed to as much UV radiation as possible. You can also wear a swimsuit or underwear to protect your private areas.

Simply put, tanning itch is caused by the process of regenerating skin cells to replace the skin cells that were damaged or destroyed while tanning. Because of this, tanning itch very rarely happens right after a tanning session; it can take 24-48 hours before the first signs of tanning itch occur.

Tanning itch doesn’t happen every time one goes tanning, nor does it happen after every sunburn. But while it can be somewhat unpredictable, the itch typically occurs when the body is not properly hydrated in the days before and the days after a tanning session. The drier the skin is before a tanning session and the less a person hydrates after a tanning session, the more likely that tanning itch becomes a factor.

The degree of the actual tan or burn doesn’t seem to matter has much as the amount of hydration a person does prior to and after the tanning process.

The regeneration of skin cells starts under the epidermis and then forces itself to the surface, repelling the dead and damaged skin, peeling it back. If the skin is extra dry, that regeneration causes an irritation that is extremely painful. And because the forming of the skin cells is happening below the surface, the normal routine of scratching the itch not only is ineffective in lessening the itch, but it also causes irritation of the surface layer. In general, it takes 24 hours for the worst of the tanning itch to pass and 48-72 hoursfor the itch to completely subside in lieu of the new skin.

It is generally not recommended to tan while pregnant, as UV radiation can penetrate your skin and potentially harm your developing fetus. It is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before tanning while pregnant.